Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Showing off an old project

This is an old project indeed - it's been a finished object since Midsummer, but I just got the photos organised and thought I'd tell a little about it. I am, if nothing, a leisurely spinner... but the FO was done in about 2 months. Go figure!

Esittelen tässä vanhan projektin, kun löysin kuvia. Kehruussa kesti kauan, mutta valmis shaali valmistui parissa kuukaudessa!

It started out with this merino-silk top from Limegreenjelly at Etsy, in October 2009:
Lokakuussa 2009 oli Limegreenjelly:n merino-silkkitopsia:

From Melodrama-2010-2011

Which I split from the middle into two thinner pieces:
Jonka halkaisin kahtia:

From Melodrama-2010-2011

And spun with my 15g Bosworth top whorl:
Ja kehräsin Bosworthin 15g yläpainoisella värttinällä:

From Melodrama-2010-2011

Then, in August 2010, it came time for the singles to be plied:
Elokuussa 2010 kerrattiin jo:

From Melodrama-2010-2011

But finally, I had finished yarn:

From Melodrama-2010-2011

Which I used to make a Laminaria shawl, this year in June:
Josta tuli tämän vuoden kesäkuussa Laminaria

From Crafts - Jun 30, 2011